As editor you have decreed that the correspondence on...


As editor you have decreed that the correspondence on the above subject [Christian Science] must cease. You have, however, published a writer's attacks and will, I trust, in fairness, give a small space to the defense. Our friend is entitled to his own views of the Bible, but should remember that the libraries are so full of contentious literature on Biblical interpretation as to render additions through newspaper columns inadvisable. After all, the test still applies, "By their fruits ye shall know them." The Bible, fortunately, will take care of itself and of humanity as well.

In conclusion it must be said that not one of the quotations given by our friend is a correct extract from Christian Science literature, and the inferences drawn from them have therefore no value. I leave your readers to judge the question for themselves, as the authentic literature on the subject is easily available.

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July 21, 1928

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