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No Lack or Limitation
There is no good in lack or limitation. We are easily convinced that lack of physical health is not good, but sometimes even Christian Scientists are deceived into believing that there is something virtuous, or at least excusable, in poverty and limitation. That is nothing, however, but a false theological argument. Jesus never lacked anything at any time. He had not only good health, but an adequate sense of supply. He knew too much about real substance to be limited or poverty-stricken. He always had what he needed when he needed it. He did not say or intimate that we do not need certain things in our daily human experience; he did, however, say, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." This certainly does not mean that men should seek first the things and the kingdom of heaven would be added. Many have been disappointed in finding, to their sorrow, that this cannot be done successfully. "The kingdom of God," the government of good, must first be sought through right thinking, and as the inevitable result of right or true thinking about God and man in His likeness, the things needed will be added.
If we are reflecting the divine consciousness of abundance, the needed things will be found always available. This is but another way of saying what Mrs. Eddy has so wonderfully said in "Miscellaneous Writings" (p. 307), "God gives you His spiritual ideas, and in turn, they give you daily supplies." If one entertains the true spiritual ideas of substance, intelligence, integrity, energy, activity, faithfulness, patience, constancy, one cannot possibly remain long in a sense of poverty or lack. Limitation is not a characteristic of limitless Mind, God. It does not, therefore, belong to His image, man. Lack is no part of divine perfection; hence, it cannot be expressed in or through man, who is God's likeness. The measure of perfection is completeness; and, obviously, in completeness there is no lack.
Isaiah said, "The work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever." There is no peace where there is poverty, or quietness where there is lack or limitation. Therefore poverty, lack, and limitation are not the fruits of right thinking, or righteousness. What, then, are they but the results of wrong thinking, or evil belief? What, but the consequence of entertaining wrong, finite, limited concepts of God and His perfect spiritual universe, including harmonious man?
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December 1, 1928 issue
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No Lack or Limitation
God's Law
Working and Waiting
Rising above Environment
Resting in God
Alone with God
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The Lectures
with contributions from Maud M. Peek, Maria A. L. Hissink, Grace W. Burt, Wilfrid S. Lawson, Lars J. Hedstrom, Elsie Hawthornthwaite, May Spence
I have had many reasons to be grateful for Christian Science...
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Bertha A. Flinchbaugh
I should like to express my gratitude for the understanding...
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Words fail me when I try to express what the spiritual...
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with contributions from Coolidge, E. C. Cutten, James Alfred Ewing, Roger W. Babson, J. Ross Stevenson, E. M. Pierce