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I should like to express my gratitude for the understanding...
I should like to express my gratitude for the understanding Christian Science has given me of the Bible and for the ability to apply its teachings in my everyday life. As Mrs. Eddy says in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (Pref., p. vii), "To those leaning on the sustaining infinite, to-day is big with blessings."
The healings have been so numerous in our family of six girls that I hardly know where to begin. Blood poisoning, sore throat, and many other diseases have been healed by the truth. I was healed of a bad attack of kidney trouble within three days; also of rheumatism, when I had nearly lost the use of my limbs. The latter healing was almost instantaneous. My husband telephoned to a practitioner, and in one hour I could get up by myself. I read for an hour, and then went back to bed and slept all night.
Another healing I should like to relate was that of our second little girl, who did not seem to do well in her school work. The teacher had written me that if she did not do better, she would put her back into the second grade (she was then in Third B); but as a result of Christian Science treatment the teacher advanced her to Third A grade one week after treatment began. At the same time, the child was healed of worms and gained five pounds; and she is now doing finely in her school work.
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December 1, 1928 issue
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No Lack or Limitation
God's Law
Working and Waiting
Rising above Environment
Resting in God
Alone with God
In an article which appeared in your recent issue, entitled...
Lewis B. Sawyer, Committee on Publication for the State of Missouri,
Christ Jesus was preeminently the wisest man who ever...
Cecil E. Benjamin, Committee on Publication for the Cape of Good Hope, South Africa,
The fairness of the article on "The Psychology of Health,"...
Ralph W. Still, Committee on Publication for the State of Texas,
Recently in your esteemed paper a lecture by a professor...
Miss Frederikke Lie, Committee on Publication for Norway,
Your recent issue carries a reprint from a periodical...
Aaron E. Brandt, Committee on Publication for the State of Pennsylavania,
At the opening ceremony of the Palestine in Macclesfield...
Charles H. Parker, Committee on Publication for Cheshire, England,
Albert F. Gilmore
Expectancy of Good
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Maud M. Peek, Maria A. L. Hissink, Grace W. Burt, Wilfrid S. Lawson, Lars J. Hedstrom, Elsie Hawthornthwaite, May Spence
I have had many reasons to be grateful for Christian Science...
Edwin J. Grayson
In daily conversation with friends, the subject of Christian Science...
Bertha A. Flinchbaugh
I should like to express my gratitude for the understanding...
Hazel F. Snyder
Words fail me when I try to express what the spiritual...
Alice Mason Buckmaster
Over thirty-three years ago the truth of Christian Science...
Helen K. Goddard
Words cannot express my gratitude for Christian Science
Josephine Woodson with contributions from Ola B. Woodson
I want to express my gratitude for Christian Science and...
Aileen Badgley
I wish to acknowledge some of the blessings I have...
Bony Thorp with contributions from Letitia Thorp
Having been told by several physicians that I should...
Nellie Dorothy Lefmann
Sickness, profound sorrow caused by the death of dear...
Hulda Burkhardt
Christian Science has healed me of many physical ills,...
Marie G. Richardson
No Night
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Coolidge, E. C. Cutten, James Alfred Ewing, Roger W. Babson, J. Ross Stevenson, E. M. Pierce