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The Fragrance of Appreciation
Is there any quality which gives more fragrance to life than appreciation? The quickening glow and loving impulse in response to appreciation are among earth's precious blossoms. Who has not seen virtues unfold and flower in most unlikely places under the genial warmth of just appreciation?
Appreciation penetrates the cloud to its silver lining, delves below surface-seeming to the true and real, sees through fumbling effort the kind intent, discerns amid apparent vice the smallest virtue, strips off the cloak of false personality, revealing the truth of being, perceives through the veil of material illusion spiritual reality. True appreciation is spiritual discernment and understanding, for its values according to divine Principle, which is infinite Truth. This true vision reduces error to nothing and heals the sinful, sorrowing, lonely, impoverished, and sick.
Paul made an unparalleled plea for universal appreciation in writing to the Philippians: "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." This benign attribute is in no way akin to flattery and sentimentality, which ignore and cover error. Appreciation has the daring of light, which searches the corners and crevices, keeping them clean and sweet while causing the shadows of error to vanish. True appreciation is never inarticulate, it must ever express itself in thoughts, words, and deeds that are kind, loving, just, pure, truthful, intelligent. It is indispensable to those who are learning to guide their lives by the rules of Christian Science. It blossoms into beauty, joy, health, abundance, and contentment, helping them to see, think, and live in accordance with infinite Love, divine Principle.
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August 13, 1927 issue
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Cleansing Fires
The Fragrance of Appreciation
Knowing the Truth
"It shall accomplish"
True Service
O Love Divine!
In your recent issue the secretary of the state medical...
Edgar G. Gyger, Committee on Publication for the State of New York,
There is one thing that may well be noticed about the...
Thomas C. Hollingshead, Committee on Publication for the State of Idaho,
In a recent issue of your paper a minister, speaking on...
Edgar McLeod, Committee on Publication for Northern California,
It is misleading for a doctor to state, as he did in your...
Fred Yould, Committee on Publication for the State of Georgia,
In a recent edition of your paper appears an article entitled...
Dr. David A. Giel, Committee on Publication for Holland,
A Prayer
The Moral Demands of Christian Science
Albert F. Gilmore
"Nothing shall by any means hurt you"
Duncan Sinclair
Truth's Triumph over Fear and Unbelief
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from Wilbur F. Webb, Dallas G. M. Bernard, Marie Hartman, Oscar V. Winkler, Aage Steenstrup, Percival Henry Collier, Myra Pollard
From childhood I hardly knew what it was to feel well,...
Annie L. Brentnall
In September, 1904, I was driving my trolley in a suburb,...
James G. Foster
A great sense of thankfulness and gratitude causes me to...
Helen M. Burns
I wish to express gratitude for what Christian Science...
Mary E. Corbin
Christian Science came to me at a time of great need, for...
Elva M. Sprague
It is with heartfelt joy and boundless love I give this...
Abram E. Warkentin
For some time I have felt a great desire to write my...
Sophronia Martin with contributions from Anna L. Mower
Signs of the Times
with contributions from George E. Hunt, Frank Gustafson