In a recent edition of your paper appears an article entitled...

Het Vaderland

In a recent edition of your paper appears an article entitled "Popular Healing," in which the author writes on Christian Science in a slighting and misrepresenting way. Therefore, I ask your kind permission for a correction, both for the better information of your readers and for the sake of justice.

Christian Science healing is indeed as old as Christendom, for it is a revival of the healing method applied by Jesus and his followers. Their work was continued for more than two centuries and served as a demonstration of the teaching. However, since Constantine the Great, from political considerations, "embraced" Christianity, surrounding it with pomp and splendor, those Christians who had remained most responsive to those things pressed forward, while the simple Christ-healers retired to the background more and more, until at last Christian healing was lost altogether.

It is true, healing through prayer has been going on until now, but those healings were regarded as a personal favor or privilege, not as a demonstration of a right knowledge of God (see John 8:32). When thereafter the need of a spiritual concept of life began to revive and a period of great receptivity set in, the Principle of the Christ-healing was again revealed to Mrs. Eddy. This great light brought about her instantaneous healing from desperate illness and endowed her with a new life, the richest and most fertile that the world's history has known since Jesus.

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