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The light which Christian Science brought into my life...
The light which Christian Science brought into my life has become a sure guide to my thoughts and actions, and its silent activity is revealing to me the real issues of Life. It found me, about ten years ago, unlike many thousands of other seekers for harmony, in normal health, in satisfying living conditions, and provided with all that material existence offers in personal comfort, ease, and pleasure. But when an acquaintance once casually mentioned to me the merits of Christian Science, both as a religion and as a healer of disease, my interest was aroused, and I felt a strong desire to learn something of its teaching about God. At that time I was looking back with dismay at a period of more than twenty years spent without church affiliation, and I felt, though unwilling to admit it, a lack of spiritual desires and higher aims, which was gradually causing me to drift aimlessly and without any inspiration.
I was in great spiritual danger, without knowing it; but I was roused out of the false sense through God's guidance, and became interested in Christian Science. The acceptance of its clear, illuminating teaching has during the last few years completely changed the course of my life. It has healed me not only mentally and morally, but also physically; it has wiped out of my consciousness many sinful habits and inclinations, and after many mental struggles has taught me how to overcome the poisonous thoughts of self-will, self-assertion, hate, and criticism, not through suppressing or repressing them, but by overcoming these enemies by the grace of Spirit, through right spiritual knowing. Our Leader says in "Miscellaneous Writings" (p. 276), "When a false sense suffers, the true sense comes out;" and I am grateful for the sharp lessons that regenerated and humbled my thinking.
The healings I received led me to study the Bible and the works of our Leader. I desired to learn something of the power which had worked such a change in my consciousness and healed me of physical ills quickly and permanently. I also desired to know what it was that gave me this new, noble outlook on life, this new concept of life's possibilities, as well as the deep interest in the Bible and in spiritual things. The Bible, and "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, answered all my questions, and the advice and help of loyal practitioners were of great assistance to me in gaining the true concept of scientific Christianity as taught by the Master.
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July 2, 1927 issue
View Issue-
Results of Obedience
Daily Supply
Continuance in Well-Doing
"Immortal memory" of True Selfhood
Love's Transparency
"Love is the way alway"
In your recent issue, a contributor humorously discussed...
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
The investigations of your correspondent with regard to...
Cyril R. Hewson, Committee on Publication for Derbyshire, England,
My attention was recently called to a letter that appeared...
W. Clyde Price, Committee on Publication for the State of Utah,
My attention has been called to a report of certain evangelistic...
Harry L. Rhodes, Committee on Publication for the State of Kansas,
I have no desire to enter into a controversy with your...
Miss Madge Bell, Committee on Publication for North Island, New Zealand,
Doubtless nothing unfriendly or inaccurate was intended...
Van Buren Perry, Committee on Publication for the State of South Dakota,
The astonishing letter in a recent issue, signed "Pro Bono Publico,"...
George C. Palmer, Committee on Publication for the Province of Saskatchewan, Canada,
"Arise! Shine!"
"Earth's preparatory school"
Albert F. Gilmore
What is Disease?
Duncan Sinclair
The Lord's Supper
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from George H. Duck, Alber-Faust, Laura Serena Staggs, Arthur Reeder, Archibald H. Peck
I am most grateful for some understanding of what Christian Science...
Margaret Wingfield
When I first heard of Christian Science I was in a most...
D. Lorenne Kuter
The light which Christian Science brought into my life...
Venceslas Lomnicky
About eleven years ago Christian Science came to me...
Mary M. Holmes
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Hiram Bingham