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Continuance in Well-Doing
Along the banks of the beautiful Dix River, in Kentucky, a feat of mechanical engineering has been going on which has given at least one student of Christian Science much food for thought. At a certain point between two sheer cliffs a gigantic dam has been built, of such proportions that the power generated is available for commercial purposes not only in Kentucky but in adjoining states as well.
At the end of two years after the work was begun, this dam was still in process of construction, and the end was not yet in sight. Mammoth steam shovels still grasped innumerable tons of rock and gravel, to be loaded into cars and dumped into the bed of the river against the great wall of concrete which already reached from shore to shore. As one looked down upon the work from above, and saw the builders moving in all directions like tireless ants; as one noted the interminable intricate network of tracks with their ceaseless trains coming and going, and realized how much, after two years of unremitting work, yet remained to be done, a sense of the magnitude of the undertaking so bore in upon him that the thought was often expressed, "What a terribly slow process it all is!"
To someone who is just turning, heartsick and weary, to Christian Science for relief, the same thought may occasionally come, if the desired release from inharmonious conditions does not seem to result as quickly as he had hoped. While both practitioner and patient should expect quick healing, if in some cases it seems delayed, let neither lose courage. The Word of God has been spoken, and it is at work healing and blessing, even though sense-testimony would argue to the contrary. One must cling persistently to the truth; to continue to put into practice as much as he already comprehends of it; to be grateful unceasingly for the good already received; and to refuse positively to listen to any arguments of fear, doubt, or discouragement, which would, if it were possible, militate against the orderly and constructive continuity of the healing.
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July 2, 1927 issue
View Issue-
Results of Obedience
Daily Supply
Continuance in Well-Doing
"Immortal memory" of True Selfhood
Love's Transparency
"Love is the way alway"
In your recent issue, a contributor humorously discussed...
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
The investigations of your correspondent with regard to...
Cyril R. Hewson, Committee on Publication for Derbyshire, England,
My attention was recently called to a letter that appeared...
W. Clyde Price, Committee on Publication for the State of Utah,
My attention has been called to a report of certain evangelistic...
Harry L. Rhodes, Committee on Publication for the State of Kansas,
I have no desire to enter into a controversy with your...
Miss Madge Bell, Committee on Publication for North Island, New Zealand,
Doubtless nothing unfriendly or inaccurate was intended...
Van Buren Perry, Committee on Publication for the State of South Dakota,
The astonishing letter in a recent issue, signed "Pro Bono Publico,"...
George C. Palmer, Committee on Publication for the Province of Saskatchewan, Canada,
"Arise! Shine!"
"Earth's preparatory school"
Albert F. Gilmore
What is Disease?
Duncan Sinclair
The Lord's Supper
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from George H. Duck, Alber-Faust, Laura Serena Staggs, Arthur Reeder, Archibald H. Peck
I am most grateful for some understanding of what Christian Science...
Margaret Wingfield
When I first heard of Christian Science I was in a most...
D. Lorenne Kuter
The light which Christian Science brought into my life...
Venceslas Lomnicky
About eleven years ago Christian Science came to me...
Mary M. Holmes
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Hiram Bingham