Three years ago, while living in a small town where there...

Three years ago, while living in a small town where there was no Christian Science practitioner, I was taken quite ill, so asked a friend to call my sister by long distance telephone and tell her to have a practitioner treat me. After the second day I was perfectly free from pain, and went about my work as usual; but in a few days I had a breaking out. As there seemed to be an epidemic of smallpox at that time, I was quarantined. I continued to have Christian Science treatment, and felt fine in every way; and when the eruption disappeared, there was not a scar left. For a number of years there had been an obstruction which caused difficulty in breathing through my nose; but after I had Christian Science treatment that difficulty, too, disappeared.

Christian Science has been a great protection to me; and I am grateful for the little understanding I have of it.

(Miss) Elizabeth Martin, Portland, Ore.

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Testimony of Healing
One morning, I injured my foot with a pitchfork
February 24, 1923

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