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It is a little more than a half century since a mild-mannered...
It is a little more than a half century since a mild-mannered New England woman, Mary Baker Eddy, first published her textbook on Christian Science. Like other new statements of religious thought, it was scoffed at, ridiculed, and some of its early followers were subjected to persecutions, just as have been the proclaimers of truth in all ages. But that it was founded upon the truth is evidenced to-day by the fact that in these short fifty years it has encircled the globe, planted its churches in almost every land, and to-day is the peace-conferring, health-giving religion for thousands of devoted students. While the students of Christian Science greatly desire to share their discovery with all other people, they do not force their views upon them. They are perfectly willing to wait for that moment to come in every individual's experience when a loving thought can find lodgment and bring a harvest of blessing. ... The healing works of Christian Science are to-day everywhere recognized. Its ability to confer content of mind and enrich the lives of its people is not quite so widely known, but none the less established. And one fact stands out clearly, namely, the willingness of these people to be judged by their lives and not their professions, their works instead of their words; and the same rights they claim for themselves they are willing to grant to all others.
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January 13, 1923 issue
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Joseph and the Pit
"Many inventions"
The Christian Science Journal
"A new commandment"
Christian Science, being based solely and unequivocally...
W. Stuart Booth, Committee on Publication for the State of Colorado,
Christian Science bears neither relation nor resemblance...
Samuel J. Macdonald, Committee on Publication for the State of New Jersey,
Sincere Christians have honest differences of opinion in...
William Capell, Committee on Publication for the State of Connecticut,
Permit me to say that Mrs. Eddy, the Discoverer and...
Willard J. Welch, Committee on Publication for the State of Iowa,
So-called psychic phenomena are the seeming result of the...
Robert G. Steel, Committee on Publication for the State of Michigan,
The knowledge, understanding, and practice of the spiritual...
Joseph Axtell, Committee on Publication for Somersetshire, England,
In order to be Christian, Christian Scientists must follow...
William C. Brookes, Committee on Publication for Midlothian, Scotland,
Letters from the Field
with contributions from James M. Speers, Joshua F. Johnston, Susie E. Mitchell
Prophets of Good
Albert F. Gilmore
His Hallowed Name
Ella W. Hoag
Resistance to Evil
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from John W. Doorly, Gerda Nordenstierna, Homer S. Campbell, Blanche K. Corby, Wallace E. Stearns, William D. Kilpatrick, John C. Lathrop, Mary F. Kirk
One of the many proofs of the power of Truth to heal...
Jennie Hibben Jarvis
About thirteen years ago, my husband made the remark,...
Angelia H. Karr with contributions from George A. Karr
I have felt for some time that I should express my gratitude...
Martha L. Bryant
I took up the study of Christian Science in the hope of...
Blanche C. Poynton
It is with a sincere feeling of gratitude that I offer the...
Martha A. Dietrich
I am indeed very grateful for the better understanding...
Sarah Stanley with contributions from J. J. Stanley
Four years ago, a Christian Science Sentinel was presented...
Carrie Rodenbach
I had been suffering for several years from severe pains in...
Carl F. Degner with contributions from Bell M. Degner
I wish to express my sincere gratitude for all Christian Science...
Etta Warburton Brophy
I have received so much good through the articles and...
Jennie Harrah Runnion
"The secret place"
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Emil Clifford Hartman