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From early childhood I had suffered from chronic bowel...
From early childhood I had suffered from chronic bowel disorder, with the various ills which accompany it, but I have been freed from this trouble through Christian Science. From boyhood I was afflicted with an impediment of speech, and in after years the affliction, and the timidity resulting therefrom, handicapped my work to a marked degree. With the change that came in my manner of thinking as I proceeded in the study of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, came also freedom from this affliction. For ten or twelve years I had worn glasses for what an oculist had pronounced acute astigmatism. All this time I was a constant sufferer from severe headaches and nervousness. Two years after taking up the study of Christian Science I consulted a practitioner one evening, and my thought regarding the sense of sight was completely changed. I returned to my room about eight o'clock and worked under a dim light until half past two in the morning on some fine work I was anxious to finish. When through I discovered that I had not been wearing my glasses, and I have never done so since; yet to-day, twelve years later, I see better than I did then with the glasses. The headaches and nervousness went at the same time.
Addicted to the use of tobacco, an inveterate smoker, I made many heroic but unsuccessful efforts to overcome the habit. Believing it was inherited, each attempt to stop only found me returning to the habit a greater victim than before. A short time after beginning the study of Christian Science I was freed from this bondage. From that moment to this I have never experienced an instant's desire to use the weed.
I am especially grateful for the sustaining power of Christian Science. Shortly after being elected First Reader in one of our churches, about a year ago, I was stricken with a malady which seemed to overpower me and for several weeks I was confined most of the time to my bed. One Wednesday, after being delirious most of the day, I was able to get up, shave, dress myself, and go over my selections for the evening meeting. Then I called a taxi and rode to church. On this occasion, as on all others, for I did not miss a meeting, I was able to stand through the entire service and read with little perceptible difficulty. I soon regained the weight which I lost in those few weeks, and have been thankful ever since for the lessons which came to me at that time.
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August 23, 1919 issue
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Everlasting Punishment
True Education
"Now is the accepted time"
Systematic Reading
Behold My Messenger
Sensitiveness and Sympathy
The Divine Reflection Intact
"Ludicrous, pathetic, and dangerous all at once" is...
Peter V. Ross in
A recent critic surely knows that it is neither courteous...
Willard J. Welch in
There has never appeared in The Christian Science Journal...
Charles W. J. Tennant in
The author of the serial, "The Thirteenth Commandment,"...
Ernest C. Moses in
The Exalting Vision
William P. McKenzie
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from George Gremin, W. C. Locker, Maud S. Carle, Elsie Thompson Shepard, Myrtle B. Raymond, L. E. Wahl, Louise L. Hesse, F. L. Faurote, Rebecca Kiner
I have had the great privilege of having known no other...
Muriel A. McArthur
From early childhood I had suffered from chronic bowel...
William Roe Conner
Although young in the study of Christian Science, I...
Chrissie Purvis
Paul says in Romans, "The good that I would I do not:...
Vance Hager Gerber
I feel it my duty to tell of the many blessings that have...
with contributions from Ellen Webb
I am very grateful for what Christian Science has taught...
Emma E. Miller
A little more than six years ago I began the study of...
Jennie E. Miles
The greatest blessing of my life is Christian Science
Josephine Demas
Through Christian Science I am learning to follow the...
Florence Mann
Since taking up the study of Christian Science five years...
Florence Stephens