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I have had the great privilege of having known no other...
I have had the great privilege of having known no other religion and no other physician than Christian Science, which has brought me from a delicate child into a strong, healthy young woman. It has given me a concept of God which is most satisfying. Through the application of this teaching I was enabled to answer a call for war work in one of our largest cities and be free from homesickness and loneliness. Because of home education and influence I naturally turned to Christian Science for all physical help. Now I am learning to depend upon "Him whom to know aright is Life eternal" (Science and Health, Pref., p. vii) in every need, not because of my training, but because I have found that the truth solves every problem when consistently and conscientiously applied.
I am grateful for the physical healings, but much more for the knowledge of God as divine Principle, ever at hand and ever operative, and for the many channels that Mrs. Eddy has provided through which we may gain a clearer understanding of God and man. I feel it indeed a privilege to be a subscriber to our periodicals, to be a member of The Mother Church and of a branch church, and to have had the opportunity of class study. My thought is filled with thankfulness to God for all that Christian Science has done and is doing for me and for those dear to me. I am also grateful to Mrs. Eddy for giving to the world this understanding of God.—(Miss) Muriel A. McArthur, Buffalo, N. Y.
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August 23, 1919 issue
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Everlasting Punishment
True Education
"Now is the accepted time"
Systematic Reading
Behold My Messenger
Sensitiveness and Sympathy
The Divine Reflection Intact
"Ludicrous, pathetic, and dangerous all at once" is...
Peter V. Ross in
A recent critic surely knows that it is neither courteous...
Willard J. Welch in
There has never appeared in The Christian Science Journal...
Charles W. J. Tennant in
The author of the serial, "The Thirteenth Commandment,"...
Ernest C. Moses in
The Exalting Vision
William P. McKenzie
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from George Gremin, W. C. Locker, Maud S. Carle, Elsie Thompson Shepard, Myrtle B. Raymond, L. E. Wahl, Louise L. Hesse, F. L. Faurote, Rebecca Kiner
I have had the great privilege of having known no other...
Muriel A. McArthur
From early childhood I had suffered from chronic bowel...
William Roe Conner
Although young in the study of Christian Science, I...
Chrissie Purvis
Paul says in Romans, "The good that I would I do not:...
Vance Hager Gerber
I feel it my duty to tell of the many blessings that have...
with contributions from Ellen Webb
I am very grateful for what Christian Science has taught...
Emma E. Miller
A little more than six years ago I began the study of...
Jennie E. Miles
The greatest blessing of my life is Christian Science
Josephine Demas
Through Christian Science I am learning to follow the...
Florence Mann
Since taking up the study of Christian Science five years...
Florence Stephens