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Everlasting Punishment
The semiannual recurrence of this subject in our Lesson-Sermons never fails to bring to the writer a deep sense of gratitude for deliverance from false belief in regard to it. The doctrine of everlasting punishment as a means for frightening sinners into repentance has been tenaciously adhered to by the various schools of so-called orthodox theology for generations. In the writer's experience, although there was an endeavor to explain the subject patiently and painstakingly by both pastor and Sunday school teacher, their explanation served only to form a mental picture of a God who was simply a magnified human being, sitting on a wonderful throne somewhere a long way off, who could not be seen because of the dazzling brightness emanating from His person, and whose sole business seemed to consist of condemning sinners on the one hand and exalting saints on the other.
As the years passed by, bringing deeper habits of thought, it was soon plain that this could not be a true understanding of God, because it did not agree with the statements of the Bible that God is Love, the Father of all, just and true and merciful. Yet the Bible statements seemed conflicting, and perusal of them brought question after question, which grew more and more confusing. If God created all, and man was born to sin and to be punished, then God must have created sinners and known that they would sin; and what sort of love was it that would first make it possible for its creation to sin and then provide punishment for it? Furthermore, there seemed to be no definite rule for knowing when one was being good enough to escape condemnation; for did not the Savior say in answer to one who addressed him as "Good Master" when he came to him inquiring what he should do to have eternal life, "There is none good but one, that is, God"?
At length the decision was made that it was not worth while to worry about it. Nobody seemed to know anything that could throw any more light on the subject, although information was frequently volunteered that there were a great many things which God did not wish us to understand, that it was a sort of blasphemy to even desire to search them out, and that therefore we should be resigned and simply do the best we could, taking whatever came; so even the reading of the Bible was dropped.
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August 23, 1919 issue
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Everlasting Punishment
True Education
"Now is the accepted time"
Systematic Reading
Behold My Messenger
Sensitiveness and Sympathy
The Divine Reflection Intact
"Ludicrous, pathetic, and dangerous all at once" is...
Peter V. Ross in
A recent critic surely knows that it is neither courteous...
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There has never appeared in The Christian Science Journal...
Charles W. J. Tennant in
The author of the serial, "The Thirteenth Commandment,"...
Ernest C. Moses in
The Exalting Vision
William P. McKenzie
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from George Gremin, W. C. Locker, Maud S. Carle, Elsie Thompson Shepard, Myrtle B. Raymond, L. E. Wahl, Louise L. Hesse, F. L. Faurote, Rebecca Kiner
I have had the great privilege of having known no other...
Muriel A. McArthur
From early childhood I had suffered from chronic bowel...
William Roe Conner
Although young in the study of Christian Science, I...
Chrissie Purvis
Paul says in Romans, "The good that I would I do not:...
Vance Hager Gerber
I feel it my duty to tell of the many blessings that have...
with contributions from Ellen Webb
I am very grateful for what Christian Science has taught...
Emma E. Miller
A little more than six years ago I began the study of...
Jennie E. Miles
The greatest blessing of my life is Christian Science
Josephine Demas
Through Christian Science I am learning to follow the...
Florence Mann
Since taking up the study of Christian Science five years...
Florence Stephens