Among the Churches

Current Notes

Le Mans, France.—When the world war burst upon a startled humanity and the first victims of German kultur arrived in Paris, the Christian Science War Reflief committee was formed for the purpose of giving immediate aid. This was on the first of August, 1914, when refugees and wounded soldiers were being brought into Paris by the thousands. The present committee at once offered its aid to the Military Governor of Paris and gathered funds for this purpose. During the first week in August, 1914, the Military Governor called a meeting of representatives of various relief societies, and upon the request of many prominent Parisian ladies the Christian Science War Relief representative was invited to attend the deliberations. Since this meeting the Christian Science War Relief work has taken definite shape and the depot in Le Mans is the direct outgrowth of the labor commenced at that time.

Since taking over the work in the Le Mans area the Christian Science depot has found opportunities to be quite helpful to the destitute refugees from other parts of France as well as to the local inhabitants who have suffered the loss of their breadwinners during the long years of war. Over two hundred families were given relief which lifted them over critical periods of adjustment in their living conditions.

In addition to this work the depot has maintained reading, writing, and rest rooms for soldiers of the American and Allied forces as well as a room devoted exclusively to the use of those desiring to read Christian Science literature.

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The Lectures
July 12, 1919

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