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Divine Protection
THERE has never been a time in the world's history, and certainly not in the history of the Christian Science movement, when men have been stirred to a deeper appreciation of God's protection. Especially in the lives of Christian Scientists are we hearing of marvelous experiences where God's protection has been proved by those confronted with all kinds of danger. The testimonies appearing in the Christian Science periodicals and those given at the Wednesday evening meetings abound with expressions of gratitude not only for deliverance but for knowing through these experiences just what the protection of God, Mind, really is. There is cause to be grateful for the awakening begun in the lives of individuals and nations during the recent war, when God's protection was so generally acknowledged and experienced. On page 387 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" Mrs. Eddy says, "The history of Christianity furnishes sublime proofs of the supporting influence and protecting power bestowed on man by his heavenly Father, omnipotent Mind, who gives man faith and understanding whereby to defend himself, not only from temptation, but from bodily suffering."
As Christian Scientists know this protection has been afforded them through the scientific application of spiritual understanding, so they know the acknowledgement of good precedes the experience of its effects. Perhaps there has never been a time when people have been more eager to acknowledge the allness of God's power; hence the power of divine protection has been brought into human experience in a greater degree. In pondering over the idea of protection and what its expansion in human thought means, it has been seen more clearly than ever before how God protects His children by endowing them with the power of right thinking. The recital of an experience of my own may be helpful to some one; at least it will add another expression of gratitude to the many already given.
An incident occurred in which I felt justified in thinking another had taken an unjust attitude followed by an unjust action. The matter having been called to the attention of the person, it was having with such good nature I was enabled to overlook it further even set it aside, though beliving that the attitude of the one whom I considered unjust had not changed. Shortly after, in studying an article in The Christian Science Monitor, my attention was drawn again and again to the admonition contained therein, to "avoid the shoals of insidious suggestion and personal sense." Forgetting for the time all about the incident mentioned, study was given to the statement quoted, with the earnest desire to eliminate from consciousness all insidious suggestion and personal sense. The next morning I awoke with an acute pain, and in less time it takes to relate it, I cast about mentally to find wherein wrong thinking was causing me to suffer. Instantly the incident cited was recalled, quickly followed by the almost audible "I am wrong about that;" when the pain simultaneously ceased. The Scriptural promise is, "Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up." The revelation came to me that I had been led by insidious suggestion and personal sense to misjudge the attitude and action of another, and that the power to think rightly about it was the manifestation to me of God's protection. Having learned through this experience a little more about what the protection of God, Mind, really is, gratitude therefor is here expressed.
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December 6, 1919 issue
View Issue-
Cain and Abel
The Divine Vistas
Divine Protection
Constructing and Reconstructing
The Meaning of Christian Science
The Journey
In a recent issue is an interview with one who claims to...
Robert G. Steel in
"G. S. H." seems to be strangely fascinated by his conception...
George R. Lowe in
In The Saturday Review appears an interesting letter in...
Samuel J. Macdonald in
A Citizen of Zion
William P. McKenzie
"A shining light"
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from Franklin Dickey, Anis McAvoy, Christine Paulson, William R. Best, A.A. Tobias, Thomas C. Hollingshead, Caroline E. Krause, Elting Alexander
Whenever I have not been able to lift my thoughts above...
It is now about eleven years since I first had the privilege...
D. Demas with contributions from NATALIE E. ZILLER
A few years ago the Christian Science textbook,...
My little girl, when about two years old, fell from a...
I wish to express my gratitude for Christian Science and...
I was suffering from great mental depression, and for...
with contributions from BETTY TICHENOR BARCUS
It is with the earnest hope that our experience may...
I first heard of Christian Science many years ago, but...
Edgar L. Tapscott
It is with gratitude that I testify to the daily good received...
I cannot withhold my testimony any longer, having benefited...
In 1912 I came into Christian Science for the healing of...
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Roger W. Babson, C. B. Stetson