Christian Science has done so much for me that I wish...

Christian Science has done so much for me that I wish to acknowledge it and express my gratitude. I had been sick and miserable for years and had been told by several doctors that I never could be well and strong again. Finally I found a letter from one of the doctors telling my husband that even if all the other troubles could be overcome, I had valvular heart trouble which could not be cured. He said with good care, no excitement, and no hard work I might live a few years more, but never would be strong again. Some months after that I took up Christian Science, and with the loving help of a practitioner most of the erroneous conditions have been overcome. Backache, from which I suffered intensely, has left me, and for two years or more I have been able to attend to the household duties, work in the garden, and do quite a bit of sewing.

Christian Science has helped me not only physically but in my daily life. Though I studied the Bible from childhood, it never meant to me what it does now. I never could understand, even when a child, why God, a loving Father, should punish us with sickness and trouble to draw us to Him. I am deeply thankful to God and grateful to our beloved Leader, Mrs. Eddy, who was so pure of heart that the truth of man's relationship to God was revealed to her. May my daily life prove my sincerity.

(Mrs.) Bertha M. Grill, Portland, Ore.

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Testimony of Healing
Some years ago I was nursing a six-months-old baby in...
September 14, 1918

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