The evangelist recently holding meetings in Escanaba made...

Escanaba (Mich.) Mirror

The evangelist recently holding meetings in Escanaba made it a part of his duties to attack Christian Science. His objections and observations, it may be noted, are ones which have been so often repeated and replied to that it would be difficult to plead any excuse for the misstatements incorporated in his attack. Just how he proposes to further the interest of Christianity and its message of brotherly love by his methods, he probably knows best.

The critic objects to the Christian Science teaching that heaven is not a locality but a divine state of Mind, probably forgetting Jesus' words, "The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you." Christian Science does not teach that Jesus was God, nor does the Bible so teach; but Christian Science does teach that Jesus was the Son of God and that, as Mrs. Eddy says, the "Christ, or divinity of the man Jesus, was his divine nature, the godliness which animated him" (Science and Health, p. 26).

Christian Scientists believe implicitly in prayer,—in constant prayer, in prayer without ceasing; and they believe that sin and sickness are overcome in proportion to man's ability through prayer to conceive of these conditions as not of God and consequently without the reality which underlies the creation of Spirit, or God. The mission of Christian Science is to relieve the world of its sin, sickness, and misery of every name and nature, and to put in place thereof the better understanding of God and of man's true realtion to Him. In accomplishing its purpose it has passed far beyond the stage where shallow and unchristianly criticism can impede its steady progress.

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