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Literature Distribution
While traveling recently by steamer from Calcutta to Colombo, it was brought home to me very forcibly how far reaching is the work of the Christian Science literature distribution committees. One day, during a conversation with the ship's surgeon, he offered me a Journal and half a dozen pamphlets which he said had been handed to him when the steamer was last in Boston. He informed me that two or three members of the ship's crew had received Christian Science literature and that it had been read and appreciated.
I was able to pass on this literature to others before leaving the ship, and it is good to know on such occasions that the truth as presented in the Christian Science periodicals and pamphlets may be the means of bringing nearer to the readers the realization of the kingdom of heaven here and now. In any case, the literature thus distributed undoubtedly tends to acquaint those in the desert of human beliefs with what Christian Science is and does, and at the same time helps to break down the prejudice of ignorance on the subject. To know that a constant stream of the authorized periodicals is being systematically disseminated throughout the world by devoted workers in the cause, and not only so but that every piece of literature thus sent out breathes the omnipotence of the Word that is again preaching the unadulterated gospel to all who have ears to hear, indeed fills one with gratitude for our Leader's far-sightedness, since it reaches high and low, rich and poor alike.
When one realizes with Isaiah the force of this statement: "My word ... shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it," one may appreciate in a degree what a wonderful missionary work the various literature distribution committees are doing. In addition to the committees, however, each individual worker in Christian Science has the privilege of passing on his own copies of the periodicals; and how important a matter it is that each copy should be passed on to do its work, instead of being laid aside, only those may tell who have been led through this means to the "land of Christian Science, where," as our Leader tells us (Science and Health, p. 226), "fetters fall and the rights of man are fully known and acknowledged."
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January 27, 1917 issue
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Praising God
Rising Above Popular Opinion
"Thou art the man"
Mortal Dream
Ability versus Distrust
Straight Lines and Plumb Lines
Literature Distribution
The author of an article relating to Christian Science,...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
No one who has ever studied Mrs. Eddy's works could...
Henry Deutsch
"Fear made manifest"
Archibald McLellan
Annie M. Knott
The Lamb and the Wolf
William D. McCrackan
The Lectures
with contributions from F. Lovell Lee, John M. Tutt, Vernon J. Lilly, Harold L. Ireland, Dean Collie
Several years ago Christian Science was presented to me...
Mattie Beckenbach
This testimony is given with a heart full of gratitude and...
Auguste Pfaender
The Scriptural passage, "God is light, and in him is no...
Robert L. Sawyer
Until a few years ago I was afflicted with a chronic bowel...
Flora Stewart McGraw
Recently I was asked by a friend to give an instance of...
Annice Campbell
The healing of a poisoned finger through the realization...
Darwin H. Goldsmith
I am deeply grateful to be able to testify herewith to the...
Margarete Paetz