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It is now nearly eight years since I attended my first...
It is now nearly eight years since I attended my first Christian Science service, and I wish to testify to the great help Christian Science has been to me, and the complete change it has made in my mental outlook. I am a teacher, and have found the new light thrown on old truths of the greatest use to me in dealing with children. Then the dominion gained by the activity of right ideas has enabled me to go on with my work without having to lose a single hour through illness of any kind, though before coming into this knowledge I was subject to severe attacks of rheumatism.
Our Lesson-Sermon one week contained the statement that "through immortal Mind, or Truth, we can destroy all ills which proceed from mortal mind" (Science and Health, p. 374), and the truth of this was demonstrated very clearly to me in the following experience. On waking one morning, I found I was entirely blind in one eye, although it was open and looked quite as usual. This was a shock at first, though I would not allow myself to grow really alarmed, knowing that it was only a phase of error and must soon pass. I had recently been through class and thought of wiring to my teacher for help, but remembered that she was out of town. One thing I had learned was that Christian Science consists in making right ideas active. I knew that true sight is spiritual perception, that "God is light, and in him is no darkness at all," and that God's law is a law of perfection in all things. Then I read the Lesson-Sermon for the week and several Christian Science articles from Monitors which had accumulated while I was away, all the time combating the mortal thought that reading would, under the circumstances, be bad for me, by the right thought that the search for light could bring only blessing. In a few hours vision had partially returned, by evening there was only a little cloud across the sight, and in the morning my eye was quite normal again.
I feel full of gratitude to God for the new revelation of the Christ-power vouchsafed to this generation.
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March 13, 1915 issue
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Educated Narrow-mindedness
Peace and Peacemakers
"Lack of time"
"Sunlight of Truth"
I am glad to comply with the request of the Rev. Mr.—...
Charles W. J. Tennant
In a synopsis of a sermon delivered by the Rev. Mr.—...
Ora S. Drewry
I have read with great interest your report of the Thanksgiving...
J. Arnold Haughton
The Entire Gospel
Archibald McLellan
Special Pleaders
Annie M. Knott
"My peace"
John B. Willis
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
John V. Dittemore
The Lectures
with contributions from H. Cornell Wilson, Evan P. Middleton, T. A. Goskar, Frances Thurber Seal, C. M. Wickham
Several years ago, as I was entering Bombay harbor on...
J. Douglas Gosney
Several years ago I was a physical and mental wreck
Julia Archer with contributions from Edwin Archer
My attention was first called to Christian Science through...
Charles L. Bostwick
It is now nearly eight years since I attended my first...
Eliza A. Simpson
Words are inadequate to express my gratitude for what...
Alexander McLennan
I had been suffering for years with a distressing gall-stone...
Margarete Bergmann
Words fail me when I try to express my gratitude for what...
Mary M. Ruddler
I am truly grateful for Christian Science, which is indeed an...
Elizabeth V. Williams with contributions from Samuel T. Williams
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from Bernard Iddings Bell, William Dayton Brown