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I have read with great interest your report of the Thanksgiving...
Bolton (England) Chronicle
I have read with great interest your report of the Thanksgiving service held by First Church of Christ, Scientist, Bolton, and while fully appreciating the fairness of that report, I should be glad if you would kindly afford me the opportunity of making one or two statements with regard to it, as otherwise some misconception as to the nature and operation of Christian Science is likely to arise therefrom; and I am sure that is far from your intention.
In the first place, your heading, "Bolton Faith Cures," is likely to lead those who are not better informed to think that Christian Science is allied to or perhaps is a species of faith-healing, whereas in fact Christian Science is not faith-healing and is quite distinct from it. Faith-healing assumes many phases, according as the faith implied is reposed in drugs and other human agencies or takes the form of a blind belief in God; but in none of these phases does it resemble Christian Science, which rests solely upon spiritual understanding. This spiritual understanding is the knowledge or understanding of the law of God, which is the law of life, and therefore of health.
In the second place, while you are good enough to state (referring to testimonies) that views on Christian Science are now listened to with considerable respect, you also state that the establishment of a close connection between diseases of the mind and the body has done much to influence this respect. On the contrary, the fact is that it is the healing and teaching of Christian Science which have caused the establishment of that close connection in the minds of leaders of thought along material lines, and not that Christian Science, being found to be in line with an established fact, is therefore entitled to respect. The connection between the diseases of the human mind and body is a small part of the teaching of Christian Science, but standing alone, this fact has no vital operation, except perhaps to cause Christian Science to appear rational to most thinking persons. The divine Mind, God, in whom "we live, and move, and have our being," is the healer in all the ministry of Christian Science.
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March 13, 1915 issue
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Educated Narrow-mindedness
Peace and Peacemakers
"Lack of time"
"Sunlight of Truth"
I am glad to comply with the request of the Rev. Mr.—...
Charles W. J. Tennant
In a synopsis of a sermon delivered by the Rev. Mr.—...
Ora S. Drewry
I have read with great interest your report of the Thanksgiving...
J. Arnold Haughton
The Entire Gospel
Archibald McLellan
Special Pleaders
Annie M. Knott
"My peace"
John B. Willis
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
John V. Dittemore
The Lectures
with contributions from H. Cornell Wilson, Evan P. Middleton, T. A. Goskar, Frances Thurber Seal, C. M. Wickham
Several years ago, as I was entering Bombay harbor on...
J. Douglas Gosney
Several years ago I was a physical and mental wreck
Julia Archer with contributions from Edwin Archer
My attention was first called to Christian Science through...
Charles L. Bostwick
It is now nearly eight years since I attended my first...
Eliza A. Simpson
Words are inadequate to express my gratitude for what...
Alexander McLennan
I had been suffering for years with a distressing gall-stone...
Margarete Bergmann
Words fail me when I try to express my gratitude for what...
Mary M. Ruddler
I am truly grateful for Christian Science, which is indeed an...
Elizabeth V. Williams with contributions from Samuel T. Williams
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from Bernard Iddings Bell, William Dayton Brown