Definite standards of safety appliances to be attached to railway cars and locomotives finally have been agreed upon after nearly a third of a century of effort.
that very remarkable 4th chapter of Zechariah we read the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel, "Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts;" and today as never before thoughtful Christian people are asking, Is there power in Christianity to meet every human ill?
consciousness of power through reliance on Truth and Love, and the joy of victory,—these are the natural accompaniments and outgrowth of foundational work, of a consecutive line of right thought and action, rather than the immediate offspring of an event.
hope and the outlook of one who has gained the first glimpse of Truth not only remain firm, but as the first small proofs of Truth's power become more and more manifest, the mental outlook takes on the thought of brighter opportunities and sees more of the boundless growth which is made possibly by apprehending and demonstrating the Science of Mind, God.
The writer of the letter on consumption very truly says that Christian Science teaches that disease exists simply in the mind, and that the physical manifestation is caused by mental conditions.
If there is one thing that is absolutely certain, it is that Christian Science, so far from being based upon what is known as suggestion, is the very polar opposite to and exterminator of all forms of suggestion, or belief in the power of one human or mortal mind over another.
The direct and indirect influence of Christian Science is alone cutting noticeable inroads into the general percentage of drug sales; for this cult has taken from the druggist people in each community who were once his best customers—people of wealth with real or imaginary ailments that had made them steady patrons of the proprietary shelves or prescription counters.
Christian Science teaches intelligent obedience to the law of God as taught by the Founder of the Christian religion, which healed the sick then and does so now.
Those who are best acquainted with the teachings of Christian Science know that instead of its being "vitiated with deadly and foolish error"—instead of its having a tendency to "make us the laughing-stock of the religious world"—the very opposite of these assertions is true.
is often asked of Christian Scientists why they make so much of the healing of sickness, and why they give so much time to this work; all of which would indicate that those who make these inquiries have failed to grasp the great truth that the healing of the sick is as much a part of the Christian religion as is the saving of men from sin; that Christian Scientists are but endeavoring to walk in the footsteps—follow the example—of him who "went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.
are a good many devout people who are held down to an anthropomorphic sense of Deity by the literal interpretations of Scripture which have been so largely accepted in the past, and which will doubtless be accepted by many so long as a material concept of God and man prevails in human belief.
First Church of Christ, Scientist, of this city, laid the corner-stone of their new church edifice, on Colby avenue and Thirty-third street, on Thursday, Sept.
Although it is only nine months ago that I became acquainted with Christian Science, blessings in various ways have come to me through its glorious teachings, and I feel impelled to tell others of these proofs of the power of Truth.
Eight or nine years ago I was operated upon for a serious uterine trouble, but afterward I was no better, rather the worse, and for several years I took treatment and medicine under the care of three different surgeons.
I have been striving to practice the teachings of Christian Science for a number of years, and am very thankful for them, and for the wonderful way that this understanding opens up the Bible.
I have several times expressed my gratitude for Christian Science verbally, and now wish to do so through our periodicals, since it has helped me greatly, both spiritually and physically.
I wish to testify that through Christian Science I was healed of diseases of the stomach and liver that had troubled me all my life; also of a serious throat trouble, and numerous other ills.
God give us men! A time like this demands Strong minds, great hearts, true faith and ready hands; Men whom the love of office cannot kill; Men whom the spoils of office cannot buy; Men who possess opinions and a will; Men who have honor; men who will not lie; Men who can stand before a demagogue And damn his treacherous flatteries without winking! Tall men, sun-crowned, who live above the fog In public duty and in private thinking:— For while the rabble with their thumb-worn creeds, Their large professions and their little deeds, Mingle in selfish strife, lo! freedom weeps,Wrong rules the land, and waiting justice sleeps!
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