I feel that it is my duty to give testimony for the many...

I feel that it is my duty to give testimony for the many blessings I have received through Christian Science. It is about twelve years since I first became interested in its teachings, through the healing of my mother of chronic stomach and bowel trouble. Since that time myself and children have relied upon Christian Science.

One of the most beautiful demonstrations I have ever witnessed was in the case of my eldest boy, then eight years of age. He was taken with severe pains in his head and vomiting, a condition which lasted for some hours and was followed by most alarming symptoms and unconsciousness. A physician who was called in to make a diagnosis, after a careful examination pronounced it a severe case of spinal disease, and said that all we could do was to keep him quiet and make him as comfortable as possible, for he did not think the child could last but a few days. He also said that if anything could help him it would be Christian Science. A Christian Science practitioner then continued with the case, and when consciousness had been restored it was found that the child's left side seemed to be lifeless: but this, with many other symptoms, soon disappeared. In eight days he was up and around the house, and in six weeks he was able to attend school again. It is now four years since his healing and he is today a picture of health. I cannot find words to express my sincere gratitude to God, and to our beloved Leader, for this blessed truth.

Mrs. Laura C. Horan, San Francisco, Cal.

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Testimony of Healing
When my little daughter was about two years old, we...
July 10, 1909

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