Having received so much help and encouragement from...

Having received so much help and encouragement from the testimonies of others, as to what Christian Science has done for them, I thought my experience with it might perhaps help some one else. For over three years I was under the care of a prominent physician in this city, for a trouble which he and a specialist said was gall-stones. Gradually I was growing worse, until they both said there was no relief for me except through an operation. I then turned to Christian Science for help, and one treatment by a practitioner took away all the pain and soreness in about twenty minutes. That was on the 11th day of June, 1907, and I have had no indications of the disease since; nor shall I, for the work of divine Love does not have to be done over. I have also been able to overcome bowel and stomach difficulties, of nearly twenty years' standing, that medicine had utterly failed to relieve, and have been helped in so many other ways that I have no words to express fittingly my gratitude to Mrs. Eddy, and to those who helped me by words and acts of encouragement to get an understanding of Christian Science.

B. Marvin, Chicago, Ill.

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Testimony of Healing
I write to express my gratitude for what Christian Science...
July 10, 1909

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