I wish to say that I called upon Christian Science for...

I wish to say that I called upon Christian Science for help and was healed by it. For six years I was in pain most of the time, only able to do my work by lying down a great many times during the day. I had tried medical treatment until I was satisfied it did me no good whatever. I could not go anywhere and enjoy myself as others did, because I was expecting every minute that I would have an attack which would mean the hospital. A relative then told me of a lady who had been healed of a trouble similar to mine through Christian Science, and I thought, If she could get help, why cannot I? I did not say anything about it, but decided to write to a practitioner, and I am glad that I did, for I was entirely healed at the end of three weeks.

I never knew what it was to have good health before I came into Christian Science. I was healed in February, 1907, and have been perfectly well ever since, with the exception of trifling ailments which were overcome in a short time. May I say that it is my desire to strive, watch, and pray, that I may be able to apply this Science to my every-day practical needs. I have indeed reason to be very thankful to God, and to Mrs. Eddy, for this truth.

Mrs. Maude Peakes, Milo, Me.

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Testimony of Healing
Two years ago this summer I was suffering from acute...
February 20, 1909

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