About a year and a half ago, while reading Science and Health...

About a year and a half ago, while reading Science and Health for my husband's benefit, I was healed of three diseases, severe kidney, throat, and heart trouble. The doctor had told me that my heart trouble was very serious, and that I would have to exercise great care. Once, after learning a little of the working of Christian Science, I was tempted to use drugs, but on second thought I took Science and Health for my medicine, and read it until all sense of trouble had disappeared. Then I threw away all the drugs I had been accustomed to use.

I have seen many good demonstrations in my family, all of whom are interested. My mother, who is seventy years of age, was stricken with a trouble that the doctor pronounced incurable. She sent for me, but before I went to her I consulted with a practitioner, who strengthened me very much and gave me many encouraging thoughts. Then I entered into the closet, shut the door,—silenced the material senses,—and tried to realize nothing but the presence of God, Life; when I reached my mother, I felt able to meet the trouble. I entered her room, therefore, and threw open the windows, letting in the light, and realizing the allness of God, the nothingness of evil; that all was light and Life. In a little while, after reading aloud to her from Science and Health, my mother began to grow better, and in two days she was sitting up and eating anything she wanted, improving all the time. When I went to take leave of her, she asked for the book, that she might read it for herself. Since that time she has made me a visit, and has attended the Christian Science services. How grateful I feel for the truth I know, and I pray every day to learn more of Mrs. Eddy's teachings.

Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Atkinson, Tallahassee, Fla.

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Testimony of Healing
Having tried many other systems of healing without...
July 11, 1908

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