The decree of the Circuit Court in the Government's suit against the American Tobacco Company and others declares the tobacco trust a monopoly engaged in an illegal combination, and restrains these holding companies from engaging in foreign and interstate commerce until competition between them is restored.
The phenomenal growth of Christian Science is due to the fact that it gives earth's weary, discouraged, and hopeless ones what they have been seeking—strength, courage, and hope.
In your report of his service the evangelist is credited as making some remarks with regard to Christian Science that have not the kindly ring of brotherly love which the brother, as a preacher of the gospel of love, must necessarily entertain if he would nicely harmonize preaching and practice.
The question naturally arises, Was the healing power of Jesus inherent solely in his own spirituality—was it bestowed by him on his immediate followers—or did he claim it as the right of every one, in all the ages, who was prepared to follow him?
A Few
years ago the state of Missouri, upon the solicitation of a committee of medical doctors, enacted a law which was popularly supposed to be aimed at the practice of Christian Science.
the epistle to the Hebrews the writer says, "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers," and he adds, "Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body.
traditional time for turning over a new leaf has come again, and they are few, surely, who do not think it entirely in keeping for them to make the turn.
with contributions from Alexander Dodds, Frederick Dixon, John Forbes, Miriam B. Clark, Louise M. Tewksbury, Charles Beilstein, Karl R. Rummell, Louise B. Warner, Martha Burr Banks, Frederic C. Hotchkiss, George E. Betts, Olga Heldman, F. W. Hanan, Julia C. Freneart, Katherine Hickle, Janie McK. Myrover
In December, 1906, I had a severe attack of illness and sent for a Christian Science practitioner, but it was not until the afternoon of the next day that I realized much change.
From early childhood the statement, "She is a nervous child," greeted my ears, and the law that "like begets like" was fully verified as I grew into womanhood.
How thankful we should be that through the understanding of Christian Science we have "an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast," when the clouds of material sense gather round our path, shutting out the light of God's presence for a time.
For some time it has been my desire to tell of the many ailments of which I have been healed through Christian Science, the first being a very bad case of kidney trouble.
After having been invited a few times, I finally attended a Christian Science service, and at once bought a copy of the Christian Science text-book, which I began to read in conjunction with the Bible.
For many years I have hesitated to send in my testimony, feeling that as I did not seek Christian Science for physical healing, and had no unusual experience to relate along that line, it would not prove of much interest in comparison with others so much more impressive; but I now realize that the smallest mite is acceptable unto God, and that we cannot hope or expect to receive blessings unless we give something in return.
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with contributions from Alexander Dodds, Frederick Dixon, John Forbes, Miriam B. Clark, Louise M. Tewksbury, Charles Beilstein, Karl R. Rummell, Louise B. Warner, Martha Burr Banks, Frederic C. Hotchkiss, George E. Betts, Olga Heldman, F. W. Hanan, Julia C. Freneart, Katherine Hickle, Janie McK. Myrover