I heard of Christian Science about five years ago, after...

I heard of Christian Science about five years ago, after a general breakdown and having tried all that physicians could do for me. At the time I felt that unless I received aid from some source, I could not hold out much longer. My healing was slow but absolutely sure, and here I wish to say a word of encouragement to those who are waiting a little longer than they had hoped, for release from pain and suffering. "With God nothing is impossible," and although the healing may seem slow, it will surely come. During these years I have had many beautiful demonstrations of the power of divine Love to overcome sickness. A serious throat trouble, with high fever, was cured almost instantaneously; also another illness, and a badly injured ankle were healed in a remarkably short time. A very painful growth on the foot, the inflammation reaching up to the ankle, was perfectly relieved in three treatments. A disease of the gums which dentists claim to be incurable, and which had been troubling me considerably before I became interested in Christian Science, was entirely healed by reading the text-book.

For the many physical benefits received, I am truly grateful, but I cannot express in words my gratitude to God for the spiritual blessings which have come to me through the understanding of this truth, the coming out of darkness into light which has been my experience. Whereas God was formerly but a name to me, I realize now that "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." I wish to express my deep gratitude to Mrs. Eddy, whose understanding of God has enabled her to give to the world that priceless book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures."

Lillie Marcus, San Francisco, Cal.

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Testimony of Healing
Christian Science is to me an ever-present help
October 31, 1908

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