is perhaps no aspect of the teaching of Christian Science which departs more from the commonly accepted opinions of the world to-day than its teaching with regard to the nature of "substance.
who have not studied Christian Science are beginning to see that this much discussed and misunderstood Science is working marvelous changes in the spiritual and physical experiences of those who study and practise its teachings, and that it is exerting a wonderful influence in the world for better thinking and better living.
is no doubt that discords of every kind can be overcome by Christian Science when our understanding of it is clear and definite enough to make the demonstration.
services in all Christian Science churches have a specific purpose, in the fulfilment of which all members are equally interested and all have an opportunity to share.
the lark pours forth his birdling speech,As the sunrise gilds the sky;When the diamond dew, with its sparkling hue,On the meadow grass doth lie—What seest thou most in the flaming east?
Our critic perhaps unconsciously finds himself attempting to hold the inconsistent and untenable position of admitting an effect and in the same breath denying its cause.
There is no way to demonstrate in figures the influence of the churches—divided as it is—on the individual life, the home life, and the civic life of a city.
The Christian Scientist deals with neither medicine nor surgery, and his practice is not accompanied by the dangers which belong to a practitioner of medicine or surgery.
In metaphysics there are two distinct systems of thought, one of which must be true and real and the other false and unreal; the two positions are in contradistinction one to the other, and hence a third theoretic system, a combination or compromise of the two, is unreasonable, impossible, and untenable.
Law defined scientifically is the unvarying recurrence of phenomena, and is expressed perfectly in that verse of the epistle of James which declares, "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.
Christian Scientists
often think of their experiences as a repetition of those of the Israelites, in that they, too, have escaped from bondage,—the bondage of material belief, which is no less oppressive than that of Egypt.
possibilities of good attaching to the present number and variety of means for the dissemination of thought can be exceeded only by their possibilities of ill.
The sale price of The Christian Science Monitor will be two cents each copy, and the subscription price in the United States, Canada, and Mexico will be five dollars for one year, or three dollars for six months; in all other countries eight dollars and four dollars and fifty cents respectively.
In sincere gratitude for Christian Science, which has proven so beneficial in healing all the ailments that have been presented for adjustment, both in my wife and myself, I send this grateful acknowledgment.
Feeling so very grateful for what I know of Christian Science and its benefits, it gives me great pleasure to write of some of my experiences as a mother, hoping thereby to help other mothers who may be situated as I have been.
I am truly grateful to be able to add my testimony to those of others who have been so wonderfully helped through the understanding of the blessed truth.
I have been so greatly benefited by the testimonies published in our periodicals that I feel it a duty to forward mine, hoping it may be helpful to others.
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