We are glad to publish the above letter to our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, from the church in her home city, and we wish that our allotted space would permit of the publication of all such letters that she receives, but it is impossible to print more than a small fraction of these expressions of confidence, gratitude, and love. The letters that we publish from week to week indicate the position which Mrs. Eddy holds in the hearts of her followers, and this position is rightfully her due by reason of her labors and achievements.

The unnumbered thousands who have been healed and reformed through Mrs. Eddy's ministry would fail in gratitude and in their duty to their fellow-men did they not testify as they do, in the Wednesday evening meetings and through our denominational periodicals, to the healing power of Christian Science which has been manifested in their lives. Nor is it surprising that whenever Christian Scientists are gathered together in the name of God and His Christ, they should give expression to the gratitude they feel to the one who has taught them, as men have not been taught since the days of our Master, how to have in themselves "that Mind which was also in Christ Jesus."

The eyes of the world are upon Christian Scientists, and in the degree to which they measure up to the standard of the Master are they loyal to their Leader, who has kept the words and works of Christ Jesus ever before them. It must be encouraging to her to know that notwithstanding the falsehoods that have been published about her, and the misrepresentation of her teachings that has gone on for years, the movement which she founded forty years ago is growing more rapidly to-day than ever before in its history. The Sunday services and Wednesday evening meetings are more largely attended, the lectures are delivered to larger audiences, our literature is more widely circulated, and Science and Health is being read by an ever-increasing number, who are experiencing through its study the healing which our Master said should follow them that believe. Christian Science is meeting the world's need, and its Founder has made for herself a place in history as well as in the hearts of men.

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April 20, 1907

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