Eight years ago I was healed through Christian Science...

Eight years ago I was healed through Christian Science. I had been from childhood more or less delicate, and after marriage my husband took me to Colorado to live, expecting the change of climate would prove beneficial. For a time this seemed to bring some relief, but after a few years stomach trouble reappeared in a more aggravated form. At the time I sought Christian Science I had been for more than a year living on a very limited diet, and was much emaciated. I suffered greatly, although I had received the best medical attention: had tried many remedies, as well as change of climate; so that the future seemed dark and without hope. One evening, in despair, I asked a dear Christian Scientist, whom I had met a few days before, to help me if she could in Christian Science. Through her clear realization of the allness of God, I was able the next day to eat what was set before, me, and have done so ever since without any unpleasant result. For a few days there lingered some fear of eating certain foods, but this soon disappeared, and the other diseases left me about the same time. A young daughter, who had been subject every winter to serious throat trouble, and who in summer was frequently ill with bilious attacks, has been free from these troubles since my own healing in Christian Science.

I have had many proofs of the power of Truth, not alone in the healing of physical diseases, but have rejoiced to witness, under the rays of Truth and Love, the melting away of hatred and strife. There has been some severe wrestling with attacks of error, but out of these experiences needful lessons have come to me, followed by a stronger and more enlightened faith in the power of God, good, with a larger sense of gratitude to our dear Leader. Mrs. Eddy, and a better appreciation of her mission and work in the world. I owe much also to our periodicals, which so often bring cheering words at a time of need.

Mary M. Norris, Baltimore, Md.

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Testimony of Healing
For seven and a half years I was an invalid, not being...
March 9, 1907

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