The Orator-Outburst

The natural tendencies of good citizenship prompt all men to gratitude, and Christian Scientists have reason to be truly thankful. For increased national prosperity and Divine protection which has preserved both nation and individuals from harm; for the fuller understanding of international peace and that wisdom which has maintained harmonious relationship in the great family of nations; for the clearer apprehension of the law of righteousness, increasingly operative in business and political integrity, and the more manifest courage of our public men to live up to their honest convictions as a result of this law applied to twentieth-century needs, contesting the avaricious tendencies of monopolistic evil or personal greed.

Christian Scientists are thankful for the better understanding of the gospel demand: "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus,"—the guiding, governing, and controlling intelligence of the universe, including man,—as exemplified by the Master in precept and practice, establishing the brotherhood of men and nations, and enabling mankind to serve the one good in that unity of purpose wherein there is neither "Greek nor Jew, ... Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all."

They are grateful, too, for that nearer touch of the spiritual consciousness of "Immanuel" or "God with us," in all the lesser, as well as the greater problems of life—the daily, hourly guidance, protection, and salvation; for the larger grasp of the meaning of Life, a ministry of deeds, molding human existence into closer resemblance to Jesus' example through the living of his precepts,—"Blessed are the meek: ... the merciful: ... the pure in heart;" for that greater spiritual awakening in which is being found the answer to Pilate's question. "What is truth?" which has been echoed in all the experiences of suffering humanity through-out the doubts and fears of twenty centuries.

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