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Eight years ago I was very ill
Eight years ago I was very ill. A physician was consulted, who pronounced the case catarrh, together with the worst form of exhaustion of the heart, stomach, and bowels he had ever known. For a year previous to this my heart had given me serious trouble, and one doctor told me that the present condition was largely due to the medicine taken at that time. I continued to grow worse, until a physician told my husband that probably the outcome would be death or insanity, and that he feared the latter. After a time I seemed to grow a little better of the mental trouble, but the stomach and bowels grew worse, until I could eat no food without extreme suffering and there was no action in the bowels.
At this time I heard of Christian Science through the healing of what was called an incurable disease. This brought me great hope, and later I consulted a Christian Science practitioner. The inaction of the bowels was almost immediately overcome, the other conditions yielding more slowly.
The mental trouble is a thing of the past, and I am thankful to be able to call myself a strong, well woman. I can now eat anything I want any time. It was in the spring of 1900 that I first went to Christian Science for help, and I can truly say I have lived more since then than in all the former years. My gratitude to God, and to the Discoverer of Christian Science, is unbounded.
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July 21, 1906 issue
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A Business Man's Letter
Clarence H. Howard
Individual Work
A Practical Lesson
Retaining or Remitting
A Clematis Vine
When a man has heard repeatedly that people considered...
Frederick Dixon
Good alone emanates from God
Ezra W. Palmer
Birthdays convey suggestions of ill
Elmer Ellsworth Carey
Our Campaign of Education
Archibald McLellan
A Belated Throe of Prejudice
John B. Willis
The Living Bread
Annie M. Knott
Letters to our Leader
with contributions from Edward Everett Norwood, Martha J. Ambrose, Miriam B, Calvin C. Hill, Willard S. Mattox
It is over four years since I came to Christian Science...
H. A. Beaubien
One evening my right foot suddenly began hurting as if...
Hannah Staples
In loving gratitude to God, and to our dear Leader, I...
Nellie S. Chesley
When Christian Science came to me it found me in the...
Margaret Goodwin
About seven years ago I turned to Christian Science for...
Anna B. McCreary
In May, 1903, I became violently insane
Charles Kohler
Eight years ago I was very ill
Emma E. Libby
Christian Science was brought to my notice in 1904
Mollie Gilbertson
Truth's Coming
From our Exchanges
with contributions from C. T. Winchester, W. D. P. Bliss, Charles S. Macfarland