In The Interior which was published October 26, there...

The Interior

In The Interior which was published October 26, there is an editorial comment on my lecture, which includes a conclusion on your part that I would like to have revised, and which I trust you will modify after reading this letter.

All that has been taught at any time concerning the Principle, rule, and practice of Christian Science is still being taught, without elimination, change, or addition. Every Christian Scientist, without reserve, stands unequivocally in strict adherence to the teaching of Mrs. Eddy on this subject, and the work of the lecturer is in corroboration of that teaching.

All lovers of the Bible have deplored the propensity of the infidel to discredit the value of the sacred Scriptures by isolating texts from the context, and by forcibly detaching them from their natural moorings in the meaning of the Bible as a whole. Many an author has complained because of such mutilation of his ideas, and for similar reasons we Christian Scientists ask for an application of the Golden Rule and for a disposition to interpret Science and Health from the standpoint of its wholeness and the real meaning of its author.

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