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Letters to our Leader
Philadelphia, November 1, 1903.
Beloved Leader and Teacher:—Gratitude and thanks are not all my message to-day. There is even more than this in my heart as I review the experiences of years and the memory of lost opportunities. I want to be forgiven for every thorn upon which I have caused you to tread, for every sin of omission or commission which has hampered your upward flight, for every pang you have suffered through my disobedience.
For the Concordance, the Manual, and later, the crowning blessing of all in the Teachers' Association, I cannot express my gratitude. Through fulfilling the law of love yourself, you have made it possible for those who follow you to catch glorious glimpses of the promised land, and God grant that we may not fail to enter in because of murmuring or disobedience. I want to thank you, and thank you again, for your faithful guidance and patient example. "Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord." To be called not only your loving but your obedient student is the earnest wish of my heart,
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January 30, 1904 issue
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Conversation as Becometh the Gospel
C. L. E.
Thy Word is a Lamp
The Point of View
C. C.
The Tempest
Regarding Evil
Alfred Farlow
Christian Science does not purpose to supplant primitive...
Reuel F. Gordon
I am asked, "Do you expect to die?" I answer that...
Alice Sinclair
Christian Scientists do not disregard medicine through...
Severin E. Simonsen
Christian Science does not teach that there is no sin, pain,...
Chares K. Skinner
The true reason why "Christian Science makes converts"...
Theodore D. Warren with contributions from Albert E. Miller
Among the Churches
with contributions from Fanny W. Sackrider, Emily M. Ahrens, Adairene Congdon, Gerald H. Walenn
The Lectures
with contributions from George H. Hutton, M. L. Ward, J. B. McGrew, William Theophilus
Concord, New Hampshire, December 31, 1903
Editor with contributions from Geo. D. Waldron, Howard A. Kimball, Frank Cressy, Delia S. Marshall, Gertrude Downing
Letters to our Leader
with contributions from D. Eloise Brownell, John C. McQuinton, Althea G. Downs
I have enjoyed the blessings of Christian Science for...
Anna M. Baier
It is nearly five years since I bought my first copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,"...
B. S. Josselyn
One of the beauties of Christian Science is that it is...
Ellen S. Robbins
I wish to add my testimony to that of thousands of...
F. L. Manchester
Christian Science came to me at a time of deepest...
Sue M. Jerome
I have long intended to give an experience I had, of the...
Mary Alice Morgan
Some years ago, when I knew but very little of Christian Science,...
Charles E. Foster
I feel that I would like to say a word for Christian Science
Minnie Remington
From our Exchanges
J. R. Miller
with contributions from Stephen A. Chase