, from the limitations of a creed, or from any other cause, a persuasive pulpit orator expressly limits the power and lovingkindness of God in His dealings with man, every thinking person is at once confronted with the very vital question, Is the preacher's limitation sanctioned by logic and Scripture?
seem to have the impression that Christian Science is simply a metaphysical method of healing the sick in contradistinction to the use of material remedies, when, in fact, it is a religion, and heals the sick by changing their spiritual condition.
strictures upon Christian Science are no doubt justified by his lack of information on this subject, and his misconception as to its principle and practice.
No one who has sat beside those whose cases have been abandoned as hopeless by material means, and has seen the fever fade from the face, the breathing become regular, and the suffering vanish under the benign influence of the Christian Science prayer; no one who has witnessed the frequently instantaneous resuscitations of such patients by their deliverance from the curse of fear, and has been privileged to receive their deep-felt gratitude, could ever again be induced to speak slightingly of the "denial of evil.
Executive Members of the Mother Church will please accept my heartfelt acknowledgment of their beautiful gift to me,—a Loving Cup,—presented July 16, 1903.
to win the approval of the world may tempt us, perhaps unconsciously, to color our statements to suit our auditors and to make concessions from the absolute line of Science.
the great Teacher prepared the students whom he first called, for their work of healing, he gave them certain definite instructions which would be of great value to Christian Scientists, if understood and obeyed.
advance of the cause of Christian Science has disclosed a human capacity for hasty judgment and unintelligent criticism upon the part of many men of place and distinction, which is equally surprising and unfortunate, and a collection of the distorted and untrue statements which have been made respecting this Cause and its Leader in religious periodicals and other publications of conventional good standing, would surely bring a sense of humiliation to every noble-minded man.
I can find no words adequate to express my gratitude for the new Concordance, which seems like a personal gift to each of us from our dear Leader in Israel.
with contributions from CHARLES G. AMES, J. HUDSON TAYLOR
The conviction has spread widely, through all the Churches, that it was an error to describe heaven and hell as localities, especially as compensative rewards for deeds done in the present life.
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