Injunction proceedings, it is reported, will be begun if any further attempt is made by Philadelphia city councils to send the old Liberty Bell on further excursions like the recent one on the occasion of the celebration of Bunker Hill Day at Boston.
is manifestly difficult for some to make the demonstration of speaking at our Wednesday evening meetings, and my heart goes out to the timid ones who would fain rise and testify to the great blessings they have received through Christian Science, yet who are held down by fear, self-depreciation, or some other form of error.
English speaking people, the widespread lack of care as to the exact meaning of words in common use has given rise to many of the difficulties which beset the pathway of the investigator in Christian Science.
law of the Lord is the theme of Psalm 119, which has been pronounced the most precious of all the Psalms in its glorious expression of love for that law.
know that Jesus, who said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life," acknowledged no earthly parents, but said, "One is your Father, which is in heaven.
storied Venice, down whose rippling streetsThe stars go hurrying and the white moon beats,Stood the great Bell Tower, fronting seas and skies—Fronting the ages, drawing all men's eyes;Rooted like Teneriffe, aloft and proud.
the growth of the organization which bears the name of Christian Science has been matter of common observation hereabouts, very few were prepared for such a demonstration of its continental and even its world-wide extent as this gathering has given.
human impulses are more alive to opportunity than that which leads us to dispense to others the counsel or rebuke which is peculiarly fitted to our own needs.
As a visitor from Sydney, Australia, I would like to express to the Field my gratitude to God for the great spiritual uplifting I have received since coming to America.
I was working with my father, who was a physician, when I was healed of pneumonia by reading Science and Health, which had been kindly lent to me by a neighbor.
Christian Science treatment has healed me of the following diseases and conditions: nervous prostration of long standing, jaundice, malarial typhoid fever, and grief and sadness resulting from bereavement of several relatives.
For a long time I have felt a desire to add my mite to the columns of the Sentinel, the weekly visitor to our home, by which I have been so often helped and encouraged; yet error would say, You cannot word it like such a one; but when the desire came again I realized it was Love that prompts, and God is Love.
Only one who has suffered the consequences of sin wilfully pursued, with all the attendant hate, malice, envy, and jealousy, can understand how severe is their punishment.
I desire to express my gratitude for the blessings received at our Communion service at Boston, and also for the peaceful benediction at Pleasant View.
I see that I have made a mistake in not giving my testimony simply because the trouble which led me to investigate Christian Science has not yet been overcome.
This thought came to me after reading the article headed "By Way of Reminder," which appeared in the Sentinel of May 16: What a glorious opportunity is ours, right now, when so many demands are seemingly made upon us,—namely, to give as Abraham gave,—all, all that was dear, for God, good.
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