not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
our desire to emphasize our remarks we are sometimes tempted to state that Christian Scientists as a class do this or that, forgetting that except on well-known points it is presumption to speak for others.
We are taught and we believe as Christian Scientists that cleanliness is next to godliness, and a faith without works is dead, but we must insist that it is in the fullest sense as consistent to expect God to heal the sick without material remedies to-day as it was in the time of Jesus, who did not administer them, and that the great number constantly being healed by reliance upon God alone fully warrants our position.
No doubt every member of the Mother Church felt deeply gratified with the contents of the recent edition of the Manual, and silently recognizes the value of every new measure therein given.
Applications for membership with the Mother Church, to be acted upon at the meeting to be held in November for the admission of members, must be in the hands of the Clerk by the 15th of October.
I reply
to the following question from unknown questioners: "Are the students whom we have taught obliged to take both Primary and Normal class instruction at the Board of Education in order to become teachers of Primary classes?
A clear
conviction of truth is sure to beget entire independence of human opinion, however time-honored, and it does not need the support either of tradition or present authorities.
The corner-stone of the new church edifice of First Church of Christ, Scientist, of this place, was laid with quiet and fitting ceremony on September 17.
My consciousness is so filled with love and gratitude to God for the many blessings Christian Science is giving me daily, that I am glad to avail myself of the privilege of sending to our Publishing Society a testimony of benefits received, knowing it will help some searcher for Truth.
Christian Science first came to me some years ago as a seemingly sudden illumination, but really as the outcome of experiences which discredited all except a simple trust in God, but I was then without real understanding or assurance, and at times most doubtful and fearing.
As a slight expression of gratitude for many blessings received through Christian Science in the past year and a half, I offer this testimony for the Sentinel columns.
with contributions from S. M. Vernon, J. Edwin Odgers, Mark Guy Pe RSE
Not one of the twelve apostles would have left a trace in history if it had not been for the companionship of Christ, the training he gave them, his spirit that was in them.
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