working Christian Scientist rejoices that every scientific truth which he declares with faith and understanding makes a positive contribution toward the establishment of heaven, harmony, on earth.
Genesis to Revelation, the Bible records instances of divine protection, guidance, and ministering love, and often mentions angels as the agents through which such beneficences were received.
The following periodicals were founded by Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, and are published by The Christian Science Publishing Society, One Norway Street, Boston 15, Massachusetts, U.
It is with deep humility that I express gratitude for Christian Science and share, with the readers of the periodicals, healings which I have had through applying its truths.
It has been several years since I have expressed through the periodicals my deep gratitude for the wonderful healing power of Christian Science, and I should like to do so now.
Unquestionable proofs of God's guidance have been enjoyed in my life, and I should like to relate some of them so that other seekers for truth may be encouraged to take up the study of Christian Science, which is indeed able to transform one's human experience.
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