Mary Baker Eddy , the Discoverer of Christian Science, writes in her book "Unity of Good" (p. 1), "Perhaps no doctrine of Christian Science rouses so much natural doubt and questioning as this, that God knows no such thing as sin." Mortals, being incorrect in their understanding of both God and man, conceive not only of a man but also of a God who knows both good and evil. They conceive of a God who not only knows evil and sin, but who also punishes man for its commission. This false theological concept permeates in one form or another the thinking of the human race and perpetuates the belief and fear of a God associated with sin and penalty. It also increases the belief in sin's reality and a continuous expectation of its punishment. Christian Science, with its compassionate presentation of the oneness and allness of God as infinite Love, is leavening human consciousness and bringing about the abandonment of these false and afflictive concepts.

The Bible is in many ways a chronicle of mortal mind, from which we may gather helpful lessons. It is in part a history of mortal mind. In spite of this, the inspired Word of God shines through. Distorted and misunderstood for centuries, the writings that comprise the Bible were a closed book until the Christ, or Comforter, unlocked the door of our understanding. Nevertheless we can see that the truth was always there, and remained to be discovered and made clear through the spiritual genius of Mrs. Eddy.

There are many passages and expressions in the Bible that were written by men who obviously believed in a personal God, a God who recognized evil and sin and who dealt out punishment for it. The Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, however, reveals the necessity of reading and interpreting the Bible in such a way as to wholly eliminate from one's thinking any concept of a God who knows and punishes evil. To do this requires spiritual discernment, and it makes Science and Health literally the key which unlocks for our perception the inspired Scriptures.

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August 25, 1951

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