At all times the student of Christian Science should be aware of the infinite nature of God's power and presence. This is especially true at present, when there appears to be such instability in world affairs. It is therefore imperative that we understand and hold to the truth contained in the following statement written by Mary Baker Eddy in the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 379): "The real jurisdiction of the world is in Mind, controlling every effect and recognizing all causation as vested in divine Mind."

God is Mind, eternal and infinite good, and both cause and effect are embodied in His allness. Good must be unfolding in a way but dimly understood by humanity, which sees only the material events that are daily taking place. The fact that good is operating at all times was made clear by the Master, Christ Jesus, when he spoke of wars and commotions and the distress of nations and followed with this arresting command (Luke 21:28): "When these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." The counsel that we look up and lift up our heads is to Christian Scientists a positive warning that here and now we must claim for ourselves the spiritual sense of being and the clear understanding that "the real jurisdiction of the world is in Mind."

We may well ask. "What are all these disturbances to the world's peace and why do we have to endure them if, as has been stated, all control and government belongs to Mind, Principle?" These conditions are described by Mrs. Eddy under the term chemicalization, which is referred to several times in the Christian Science textbook. Chemicalization signifies the resistance of mortal mind to Truth and the mental fermentation which results as divine ideas unfold in all their potency. Our Leader puts it thus (Science and Health, p. 223): "Marvels, calamities, and sin will much more abound as truth urges upon mortals its resisted claims; but the awful daring of sin destroys sin, and foreshadows the triumph of truth. God will overturn, until 'He come whose right it is.'"

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August 25, 1951

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