I have received and am receiving...

I have received and am receiving blessings in such abundance from my study of Christian Science that I can no longer refrain from sharing them with others.

In my early experience healings and the sharing of testimonies came easily and quickly, but for a time I was in a foreign country where there were no practitioners, and there seemed to be a lessening of this spontaneity. This proved, however, to be a blessing in disguise, for I learned that I had to depend more understandingly upon God and to practice more what I was professing to know of this Science. This was not easy, and problems seemed to have a way of overlapping, so that before one was disposed of, others appeared; and I deferred giving my testimony until the completion of the healings.

I have since learned that we must be obedient and willing to render thanks and praise to God at all times. Today I am rejoicing in the unfolding and enriching nature of this gratitude, for I perceive that it is the result of growth Godward.

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Testimony of Healing
Christian Science has been my...
October 27, 1951

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