
Far off seemed victory, though bravely sought;
And here, the tempter in the shade of thought,
Nodding in soft intent its evil head:
"Don't suffer any more—try me instead.
Oh, drop the sword of Truth, the two-edged blade,
And rest—you need no longer be afraid."

And where stood I? Outside the All-in-all?
Left all alone to fight on or to fall?
Was I the man whom God had loved and made—
Would I decide for sunlight or for shade?
Or could I know within this midnight hour
That this is true: God gives man sovereign power?

And then I heard the gentle call:
"The tempter is not here at all—
You only seemed to have a choice;
You can but hear your Father's voice,
Who loves and guides you all the way, Not child of darkness—child of day."

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Testimony of Healing
I have so often been benefited...
August 26, 1944

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