The Simplicity of Christian Science

One of the subtle claims that endeavors to discourage the neophyte in Christian Science is the belief that the subject is too "deep," and therefore difficult to understand. "I should like to try Christian Science, but I'm afraid I cannot grasp it," is frequently voiced by the beginner. This one is in much the same position as the child just undertaking the study of arithmetic. "Oh, dear," he sighs, "I'll never be able to do it. It is too hard." However, as the child continues to study he finds addition is not at all an impossible process. Once he grasps its simple rules he makes steady progress, and this progress enables him to proceed to solve the mysteries of subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions and so on.

No, Christian Science is not difficult to understand and apply if the seeker enters upon its study with an honest heart, with sincerity, willingness to keep thought open, prejudices subdued, and preconceived ideas in leash. Christian Science is, in effect, a restatement in scientific, practical terms of the teachings of Christ Jesus and the apostles. The Master's teaching was the acme of simplicity, a simplicity which was so profound, however, that many worldly-minded Pharisees and other materialists of the day failed completely to grasp it.

Great teaching is always simple, just as really great people are simple, easy to approach, humble, and childlike, so filled with the wonder of what they have perceived and what has to be accomplished that they have no time or inclination to appear difficult or complex.

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"No change my heart shall fear"
August 26, 1944

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