Welcome Home, Soldier!

A young Canadian in the air service overseas writes: "I hope you clear people at home are not working and praying just for a cessation of hostilities. I am sure you are not! This is not enough. 'Who loves his life shall lose it,' was Jesus' teaching. The cause of all this business is love of matter, love of self, even at the expense of our fellow men."

Here is the voice of one crying in the wilderness. Here is a message from a soldier who fights not only for his country, but for the establishment in human hearts of the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ. Sad, unfortunate indeed, is the mental outlook of those people in or out of the armed forces who, in speaking of the world-wide upheaval, aver that they do not know what it is all about. "O fools, and slow of heart to believe," was the Master's appraisal of material thought, sunk in selfishness and bereft of vision. Thomas Hood draws this humorous yet telling picture of the unillumined, self-centered mortal:

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The Thought Value of Words
July 29, 1944

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