budding thought that seeks a higher senseOf Life and Love, that yearns to understandThe universe of Mind, must soon expand—When God is sought, He surely shall be found.
arising between capital and labor have produced in all countries labor problems which, in greater or less degree, affect every individual in these countries, and the right solution of which is a demand affecting the progress of the nations as a whole.
I Kings we read how Elijah proved, before the prophets of Baal, the power and availability of Mind and then found himself fleeing for his life from Jezebel.
this issue of the Christian Science Sentinel will be found excerpts from a most interesting and inspiring report to The Christian Science Board of Directors from a Wartime Minister.
Though I recognize that everything provided for Christian Scientists in our armed forces—services in the camps, a practitioner always at hand, without charge, books and literature, study rooms, service cottages and centers—is necessary and an integral part of the work, I have real conviction that all this is just the beginning.
duty bids me walk an unknown trail,A path where darksome shadows seem to be;Yet well I know I shall not faint nor fail,For Love divine goes all the way with me.
thoroughly the Master understoodThat God made everything and made it good!Always he saw the universe and manThe true expression of God's perfect plan.
I had the privilege of attending a Christian Science Sunday School for about twelve years, and the understanding of Truth that I received there has never failed to bring results, when rightly applied.
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