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"As his custom was"
Luke did not record unessential details concerning the great Way-shower. Added significance is, therefore, given to his observation that, "as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day" (Luke 4:16). Regular attendance at the place where his fellow men came to worship, even though he radically differed with the Judaic ritualism of that period, this wise discerner of values realized was the right course for the individual to follow. In this, as in other matters of human conduct, Christ Jesus is our Exemplar. There are many good reasons why every God-loving man, woman, and child should follow in this, the Master's way.
Oliver Wendell Holmes, author, was once asked why he so regularly attended church. His reply was, "There is a little flower called reverence which I like to cultivate at least once in the week." The coming together of those whose common purpose is to glorify and truly worship God is blessed of the Father. It has an important place in keeping alive the flower of reverence and renewing the spiritual vitality of men. Than this no human need is greater. "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."
In obedience to the guidance of deific Mind, Mary Baker Eddy, after her discovery of Christian Science, established the Church of Christ, Scientist, and named as the Pastor the unadulterated Word of God as found in the Bible and "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." The church services on Sunday and Wednesday include strong, uplifting, healing messages from these bulwarks of right living, also inspirational song, and prayer that blesses the whole human family. The Wednesday evening meeting includes testimonies from those healed by spiritual power.
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April 3, 1943 issue
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"A standard for the people"
What Am I Thinking?
There Is No Separation
The Science of Being—Its Relation to Healing
The First Beautitude
The First of the Beatitudes
The Impulsion of a Good Example
Peter V. Ross
"As his custom was"
Paul Stark Seeley
with contributions from The Christian Science Board of Directors
Replies to Comments on Christian Science Appearing in the Press
with contributions from Percival Vincett Parsons, Luther K. Bell, Louis Kaufman
Christian Science came to me...
Mildred Single
It is with deep gratitude to God...
Gwendolen Single
Time and again I have found...
Vivien B. West
During the period of ten years'...
Jane Blake
It is a privilege to testify to the...
Charles G. Bertenshaw
Mary Baker Eddy writes in...
Josephine Sproul Mottola with contributions from Nicholas J. Mottola
It is a privilege to acknowledge...
Thelma Olive Leaton
Among the many blessings of...
Valuntine Hancho Haun
Our Daily Bread
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Robert Power, Lawrence C. Vosseler, Ernest W. S. Gilbert, Richard K. Morton, Henry Geerlings