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"Where is your faith?"
After Jesus and his disciples took ship to cross over the lake, it is related in Luke's Gospel, there arose a severe storm. Jesus had fallen asleep, and as the wind increased in velocity the disciples, greatly fearing disaster, awoke him, saying, "Master, master, we perish." After Jesus had stilled the storm and the disciples' fear, he said to them, "Where is your faith?" And what a searching question is that for men and women everywhere to put to themselves today, in face of the furious storm which has broken over the greater portion of the world—"Where is your faith?"
Many are the incidents in human experience which bear evidence that it is instinctive in humankind to reach out to a higher power when in times of severe trial their faith has been insufficient to calm and reassure them. Particularly is this true of one who turns to God only when trouble comes, when a situation appears so threatening as to cause him to cry out to God in urgent appeal for help. It is at such testing times that one may see the necessity of taking himself in hand and thoroughly searching his thought to determine how much faith he has in the power of God.
Sincere self-examination would no doubt surprisingly reveal to many that they have too little understanding of the heavenly Father to give to faith an unshakable foundation. Yet one's understanding of God can be continually increased if prayerful study be made of the Bible, accompanied by conscientious effort to apply day by day what one learns of the Master's teachings, which are illumined in Christian Science. On this point how pertinent and encouraging is the promise of God, voiced by Jeremiah, "Ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."
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January 2, 1943 issue
View Issue-
Seeing God
Progress through Science
Spiritual Demands
"Where is your faith?"
The Commandments: Passports to Power
"The day the Lord hath made"
Evelyn F. Heywood
Why Should I Go to War?
Paul Stark Seeley
Replies in the Press to Criticisms of Christian Science
with contributions from W. Marlborough Addison, Maude A. Law
Varied Activities of Christian Science Committees on Publication
with contributions from James Reid
I was first introduced to Christian Science...
Philip Howard Spitta with contributions from Mabel Spitta
Thirty years ago I became interested...
Louise Sandborn
I had never heard of Christian Science...
Shirley T. Clements
About four years ago our little...
Carrie A. Bennett
I wish to express gratitude for...
Jessie Smith
I became interested in Christian Science...
Gertrude V. Booth
I am deeply grateful for the...
Charles Rossiter Stuart
As unto God
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Seth T. Arkills, T. J. Hind, Albert Dutton Stearns, Hilda Richmond