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"Love is enthroned"
Today when the world is crying out for deliverance from the evil forces which seem to assail it, the student of Christian Science holds to the truth of the reassuring statement by Mary Baker Eddy in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 454): "Human hate has no legitimate mandate and no kingdom. Love is enthroned." Can this fact be proved practical in human experience? Is it possible to realize, in the face of seeming hatred, expressed in aggression, persecution, violence, destruction, sin, sickness, and death, that divine Love alone governs man? Can one know and demonstrate that God, good, is the only power, presence, substance, and Life, when, according to the testimony of the material senses, evil appears to be powerful, real, and substantial, and at times would seem even to triumph in human experience over righteous efforts to resist it?
These questions Christian Science answers in the affirmative. Whether in the case of individual problems, such as disease, lack, unhappiness, limitation, and failure, or of universal beliefs, such as warfare and misunderstanding among nations, Christian Science reveals the omnipotence and omnipresence of good and the utter impotence, the nothingness, of evil. It teaches that, regardless of what appears to be taking place in the experience of men and nations, notwithstanding the seeming success of evil's methods in the realm of material belief, evil has no kingdom and no mandatory power. Divine Love is supreme, unopposed, for Love's kingdom, the only real kingdom, has never been, and can never be, invaded by error.
Christian Science reveals God's changeless goodness and tender love for man, the divine image and likeness; and God, divine Mind, can never be dethroned by false mortal belief. In praise to God, the Psalmist sang, "Thy throne is established of old: thou art from everlasting." Health, holiness, peace, joy, abundance—all these are eternally established in Spirit and can never be disestablished or supplanted by material illusions. Hatred, malice, revenge, cruelty, all destructive forces, can destroy only themselves. They can never touch, harm, or destroy anything that is real. The presence of divine Love is the only presence; the power of infinite good is the only power. As one becomes conscious of the divine all-presence and all-power, he is proportionately freed from the belief that evil is anywhere present or real. Reflecting divine Love, he gains an increasing sense of immunity from the attacks of evil of every sort, for he sees evil as mere illusion, powerless to enter his consciousness of real being.
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April 11, 1942 issue
View Issue-
Serving Tables
"Love is enthroned"
Healing the Nations
A Higher Sense of Friendship
Michael and Gabriel
Personal Goodness
George Shaw Cook
The Unmistakable Proofs of Christian Science
Alfred Pittman
The Lectures
with contributions from Frances Hamill Seese, Charles J. Yost
May I be permitted to repeat, for the information of your readers...
with contributions from Elizabeth S. Young, Ernst G. Breitholtz, Robert E. Key
A Place of Refuge
True Praise
Christian Science first interested...
Edward A. Pavlicek
When a child, I had the privilege...
Eda D. Kennedy with contributions from James A. Kennedy
It is a great joy to acknowledge...
Dorothy H. Stevens
In gratitude to God and to our...
Ruth Mills Gilgen
I wish to express my gratitude...
Eleanor K. Cone
Christian Scientists know that...
Marion Traub
For seventeen years it has been...
Louise Woehrl
I wish to express my sincere...
Walter C. Herget
I am grateful for the privilege...
Helen Jones Herget
Signs of the Times
with contributions from A Correspondent, H. A. Bruce, Thomas Hastwell, James Reid, W. R. Miller