Signs of the Times

Topic: The Onward Way

[Rev. James Reid, D. D., in the British Weekly, London, England]

In these days, when the air is full of voices, it is God's voice we need to listen to most of all. Unless we listen to Him we shall be confused, discouraged, overborne with anxieties. Do we take enough time to listen to Him? Our peace of heart, our courage and faith, depend on it. "If I had the time," we sometimes say. We must make the time. It is not always easy. To begin with, it may be rather like listening to a bit of fine music amid a babel of talk. As we listen, the music gets hold of our mind. We forget the babel, and the music is everything. "Be still, and know that I am God." Be still, and in time you will know.

[Dr. Horace S. Weaver, in the Beacon, Wichita, Kansas]

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March 21, 1942

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