Following the mental and physical strain of the World...

Following the mental and physical strain of the World War, for which I was called in 1914, I found myself faced with big business problems, which required increasing attention and care. Knowing nothing of Christian Science at that time, I trusted material aids to some extent. My health failed me, and I was compelled to give up all my activities.

All possible help was given me by the best doctors, but there was no real improvement in my condition, which had been diagnosed as severe nervous breakdown.

A specialist ordered me to take a long sea voyage and rest under the constant care of a medical friend. Before I left, a friend kindly gave me a marked Testament, saying I could find relief through its spiritual messages. One in particular stood out as that which I felt I most needed: "And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever," and for this Comforter I constantly prayed.

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Testimony of Healing
I wish to express my gratitude for the protection and...
March 30, 1940

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