In a news item recently in your paper it was stated that...

Maryborough Chronicle

In a news item recently in your paper it was stated that a newspaper declares of Christian Science that it "cannot rightly be described as Christianity or science." In "No and Yes" (p. 10) Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, says: "The two largest words in the vocabulary of thought are 'Christian' and 'Science.' The former is the highest style of man; the latter reveals and interprets God and man; it aggregates, amplifies, unfolds, and expresses the All-God." Christian Science has spread its blessings wherever the thought has been ready to accept and express the true meaning of these two words.

This widespread Christian and scientific movement has extended throughout the world. Christian Science discourages hatred amongst nations and encourages brotherhood among men. In every country where Christian Scientists are living up to their highest sense of Christianity as law-abiding citizens, in that proportion have these countries benefited.

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